Sunday, February 7, 2010

Did this hold true for Collins submarine project ? ';It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble.

It's what you know for sure that just ain't so';. Mark Twain.Did this hold true for Collins submarine project ? ';It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble.
Maybe true, but sometimes if you know too much that can also get you into trouble! :)Did this hold true for Collins submarine project ? ';It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble.
False misconceptions or delusion pertaining to a given situation creates trouble and fracas. One can either submit to forces one has no belief or faith in, or fight, battle and war until we can do so no more.

The Project remains centre focal as subversives fluctuate in opinion. It is a self created phenomena managed by its adversarial opponents. The external is divided and the internal in proximity is against it.

It will ultimately die a death, as inflammatory factors have ingrained a deep sense of disillusionment. A relinquishing of the project into hands worthier and more capable is impossible as the mass profiting and attention derived yields billions.

It will end in the collapse of the project we can only pray that it be soon. The cunning deceptive, contentious forces governing the projects land fail to curb or control the project maladministrants which in turn pass all negativity towards that which is in focus.

The associated created subsidiaries are self governing, we wish a speedy death to the Collins Project for its sake.
Some people waste their time in asking stupid questions.
What looks good on paper sometimes doesn't agree with the reality of life. That's life I guess.

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