Friday, February 12, 2010

Is it true most women deliver their first child later than the projected due date?

If so what would make them deliver late or earlier? My wife and I are debating when we think she will have the baby. Is there any other fact that would make our baby come earily or later? Is it true most women deliver their first child later than the projected due date?
My first and only was 6 days early. Two words: Nipple Simulation. It starts contractions.Is it true most women deliver their first child later than the projected due date?
My first child was a C-section, two weeks late. My second, was a C-section, one week early. Babies come when they are ready, I personally think it doesn't matter what you eat, it doesnt matter what exercises you do, how you sleep, whether you have sex or not, your age, weight, height, sleeping patterns....relax....then when you are totally relaxed and in control...then the baby comes!!!!!!
Everyone I know has had their first kid late, so personally I think it is true.

Another reason is that the projected due dates are often wrong.
Due dates are just estimates. There is no way to predict the exact day. Many doctors are now giving a 2 week window.
i could have sworn my baby was coming early, but he ended up coming a week late. most do so i suggest having her walk around a lot and just relax. baby will come when ready :)

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